We started our day at the Imani Garden, home to our chicken operation and designer coop (lovingly refered to as fort hen by some), and favorite spot for Sunday morning coffee. Our first stop was a backyard coop at 1399 pacific. We checked out the building wide chicken calendar, and saw it in action, just as we were seeing who was signed up for todays chicken tours, the man on duty showed up to give us a quick tour. From there we made a quick stop at Walt L. Shumel, where a community of gardeners have been raising hens since 2008.

Our next stop was the amazing Hattie Carthan Community Garden (and market info here), the latest coop built by Just Foods City Chickens program. Their coop is simple yet brilliant, with a rain water collection off the roof and multiple windows for ventilation. It fits perfectly with the dynamic garden, that producers a ridulous amount of food, had tons of events, and amazing youth programs. Hattie Carthan seems to be ever expanding, with a new back area with pizza over, children's garden and new murals.

At another backyard, the abode of Megan Paskas's (of brooklyn homesteader) we saw how chickens can fit into a well used space, without taking over. Megan's coop was made from an old dog house, modeled after the "eglu". It was bliss seeing her birds walk around the grassy backyard, (it was almost too idealic to be true) and the health and good nature of her birds proove how happy city birds can be when taken good care of.
Further up, we met the new ladies of Rooftop Farm. They were out working and relaxing in their chicken tractor/run that fits perfectly over one of the farm beds. The coop was designed by students at the Francis Perkins Academy in conjunction with farmer Annie Novak. Rooftop has a variety of heritage birds from Liberty View Farms, that are kept for their assistance in prepping veggie beds with their fertilizer and tallons as much for the eggs.
Our last stop was at sixpoint brewery, where Cathy Erway was hosting a potluck to celebrate the launch of her new blog..... A great way to end our day, with amazing dishes made by many local foodies with local ingrediants and some cold beer from sixpoint. Cathy keeping chickens along with her new rooftop garden. Her birds, also from Farmer Billiam, are fed the same spent grain from brewing as our ladies and live in a A frame coop designed by the brewers themselves.
It was a long, but enjoyable day. Thanks to everyone who welcomed us into your homes, gardens and farms.
Want to see some of these sites and more?
Join Just Food for the second annual Chicken Bike Tour on July 10th.