For all press inquiries, please write to molly@bkfarmyards.comPlease note that we are not offering interviews for student papers. You are welcome to come and work with us on volunteer days and talk with us then. 


Apartment Therapy "You Have the Land, They Grow the Produce"
BBC "One Planet"
Brooklyn Based "Farm School"
Brooklyn Based "Guarding Fort Hen"
Brooklyn Based "Not So Vacant Lots"
Brooklyn Based "Yard to Farm"
Brooklyn Paper "Frank Wants his Own Backyard Farm"
Brooklyn Paper "Your Land is Their Land"
Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2010 Finalist "A Call to Farm"
Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2009 Finalist "BK Farmyards"
Bust Magazine "Dirty Girls: Meet the Urban Women Farmers of NYC"
City Farmer News
Daily News "Green Business Thumb"
Daily News "H.S. Reaps 500 lbs of Produce Each Week"
Daily News "High School in East Flatbush Plans Farm"
Daily News "15 Reasons Why Brooklyn is NYC's Borough to Beat"
Eat TV "Planting Seeds: The White House Garden and a Brooklyn School Farm"
Edible Brooklyn "BK Farmyards puts Backyards into Crop Production"
Family Circle "Seeds of Change"
Food Curated
Good "Is Decentralized Urban Farming the Future of Food?"
Goodlifer "Stacey Murphy - BK Farmyards"
Groundswell "The Jewel of Urban Farming in Crown Heights"
Growing A Greener World: Locavores and Yardsharing 
Hot Grease, Heritage Radio
Ioby "How to Raise Chickens with BK Farmyards"
Let's Eat In, Heritage Radio
LocalBozo, "HopFest Backyard Hops"
Marcus Samuelsson "Women We Admire"
Metro US "How to Raise Chickens in NYC" 
Metro US "Urban farming growing as popular summer pastime in NYC" 
Mother Nature Network "40 Farmers Under 40"
New York Times, " The Hard-Working Beauty of Sunflowers"
New York Magazine "Best of New York 2012: Best Farming Class"
New York Magazine "What an Urban Farmer Looks Like"
NBC NY "A Farm Grows in Brooklyn"
NY1 "Backyard Farm Produces Fresh Food in Brooklyn"
Organic Garden Project
Permaculture Research Institute "BK Farmyards - A Subversive Urban Farming Concept"
Planet "BK Farmyards Microfarming"
Serious Eats NY "Video: Brooklyn's Cool new Backyard Farms"
Tasting Table "Green Goddess"
Teach Green: Chickens in the Garden
TLC "No Reap Til Brooklyn"
Urban Omnibus "Five Borough Farm"
Urban Omnibus "Gardener on the Roof: Examining Urban Farming"

Below are a few videos about our current and past projects, featuring interviews with our students, founders, and farmers.

The Youth Farm 2013 


Five Borough Farm: Why Measuring Matters 


Innovators in Education - Dream School 

IOBY & Good Eye Video: How to Raise Urban Chickens w/ BK Farmyards  



High School for Public Service Farm: The Youth Speak

Building Our Chicken Coop: Fort Hen

Chicken Apprenticeship 

Food Curated: Foxtrot Farm