The Youth Farm is a partnership between the High School for Public Service and Green Guerillas, with staff support from BK Farmyards. We have turned the school’s 1 acre lawn into a thriving production & educational farm. The farm serves as an outdoor classroom for students, produces fresh affordable food and flowers for the community, and provides educational and job training opportunities for youth and adults.

In 2010 we designed and built a coop for 60 chickens at the Imani Garden in partnership with NYRP. This site has been a training ground for dozens of apprentices, and several of our past chicken apprentices are now managing the site. We also hold free City Chicken workshops on site in partnership with Just Food. If you're interested in learning more or buying fresh eggs click here.
Since 2009, our pilot backyard farm, Foxtrot Farmyard, has been a CSA for 6 families. Homeowners benefit from an ever-changing lush backyard & a bounty of fresh produce. If you have a backyard that you would like to see farmed, contact land(@)bkfarmyards(.)com. If you are a gardener, you can also schedule a consultation to learn how to maximize your yields. Info about our 2012 Backyard Apprenticeship Program for budding urban farmers is coming soon!
Bees are essential for pollinating plants in our public parks and nature centers as well as increasing the production of fruits and vegetables in our urban farms. Do you dream of trying our hyper-local Brooklyn honey to spread on toast or give as a gift? 2012 honey sale locations are not yet determined. Check for information in June and August when honey production peaks.